Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Tags: lovechurch of jesus christwisemenglobal pandemico come o come emmanuelbrightfaithsilent nighthopegentleman's triobook of mormono holy nightluke 2gentriin the bleak midwinterbiblechristchristmas musicmarycovid-192020christmasmormonchristian musicsaviorthe first noelshepherdsjesuslightlatter-day saintsserviceo come all ye faithfulgospelmissionaryjosephjesus christsingalongmake christmas meaningfulaway in a manger
Description: Sing along with GENTRI to the Christmas classic, "The First Noel." To learn more about this event, visit: Watch the full #LightTheWorld Social Sing and Serve event on YouTube Celebrate the Light of the World from the comfort of your own home as you sing and serve alongside some amazing performers. What is #LightTheWorld? Since 2016, #LightTheWorld has grown into a global initiative with millions of participants each Christmas. Throughout the holiday season, individuals perform acts of service to show love like Jesus did—one by one. Want to join in? Go to to find daily service challenges, prompts, resources, and more. How can I help #LightTheWorld this year? 1. Sign up to receive daily service prompts throughout the month of December: 2. Watch “The Christ Child,” a beautiful short film based on the Nativity story: 3. Meet with missionaries digitally to hear a special Christmas message. Learn more: